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Monday, August 30, 2010

Some People

       We are all aware that issues between people, especially classmates, always exist no matter how hard we try to deny it. However, I feel that we hardly ever talk about the reason or reasons why these issues suddenly surface out of nowhere. May I ask you one thing? What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you are asked ‘What caused the issue?’ I won’t assume for now because I wrote this note to specifically lay down my own reasons why issues always exist. I have come up with 22 reasons why we can’t avoid issues- In NO particular order.

            1st- Some people are immature.
            2nd- Some people are so insensitive with the concern of other people.
            3rd- Some people are sensitive with the concern of insensitive people.
            4th- Some people are being taken for granted by others.
            5th- Some people are spineless.
            6th- Some people are authoritative in a very insulting way.
            7th- Some people want it all. (Cliché, but so true!)
            8th- Some people create issues to make themselves satisfied.
            9th- Some people are rude.
            10th- Some people are so full of excuses.
            11th- Some people are irritating.
            12th- Some people are sarcastic.
            13th- Some people do not show their concern.
            14th- Some people have different ideas which tend to the clashes of their own ideas.
            15th- Some people think they can do better than the others.
            16th- Some people make a big fuss almost about everything.
            17th- Some people do not accept corrections.
            18th- Some people do not accept mistakes.
            19th- Some people always blame the person who tries to guide everyone and then give him/her unpleasant remarks.
            20th- Some people mock other people.
            21st- Some people just do not accept that there are others who are better than them.
            22nd- Some people create lies.
          Oh, some people! I cannot accept this anymore. What I’m trying to point out with these reasons is that issues exist because of EVERYONE! In one section, some people create lies about another section, and the remaining ‘some people’ in that section hurriedly bite the lies which then turn into an issue! If we want to stop the issue, let’s stop ourseleves first. And please be responsible enough to know your duties, that way, there will be no issues to be solved anymore.

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